Ways to Save at Kuhn’s

Everyone felt the effects of inflation and rising prices this past year. If you are working to save money at the grocery store and get the most bang for your buck in 2024, then let us help! When shopping at Kuhn’s make sure you are using your rewards card. We have select items each week that you can enjoy extra savings on when using your rewards card. The best part is these deals can be found all over the store as they aren’t limited to a particular department.

Kuhn’s Tip: If you don’t have a rewards card, visit our customer service desk and get signed up today.

In addition to our rewards card, make sure you are using our circular to help create your weekly meal plan and shopping list. Creating a meal plan can help you save hundreds each year by deciding in advance what you will eat for each meal throughout the week. This way you won’t be purchasing food that you don’t need. To do this effectively, it’s helpful to be in your kitchen when making your plan. You can review the recipes you want to use and compare that to what items we have on sale that week. Then, look through your fridge, freezer, and pantry and make a note of what items you already have and what you will need to purchase. Also, make sure you reference your family’s schedule for the week. If there are days when there are extra activities, plan for those accordingly. You can have a simple soup and sandwich meal or use those days to eat leftovers.

Kuhn’s Tip: No one ever said that you have to do your planning at the beginning of the week. That might not work for you or your family. Maybe, making a plan that starts on Thursday suits you better. It may take a couple of weeks of trial and error before you come up with the perfect plan. Remember, the goal is to find a process that you can stick with.

Once your list is made, it’s time to shop. The most important thing when shopping is to stick to your list. It’s ok if you realize you forgot to add something (it happens!), but the fastest way to spend extra money is by purchasing things you don’t need. This is especially true when buying in bulk. When items like frozen vegetables, rice or pasta are on sale, buying things in bulk can be beneficial. Especially when you know they are things your family will use. But, you don’t want to purchase something in bulk just because it’s on sale if it will spoil or go bad before you use it. That’s just throwing money in the garbage.

Kuhn’s Tip: Be sure to check out the price per unit when shopping. The price per unit is the total cost divided by the number of units and is listed on the shelf tag. Paying attention to this can help you figure out which version of the item costs less, especially if you are deciding between a larger or smaller amount of the item.

While you are shopping look and see if there is a store brand option of the item you want. At Kuhn’s you can find our Essential Everyday brand on hundreds of items throughout the store. From household essentials, to pantry staples, kitchen utensils, and even light bulbs these items can help you stay on budget. If there is a favorite brand that you love, follow them on social media or sign up for their mailing list. Oftentimes companies send out deals directly to their email subscribers. And don’t forget the good old fashioned coupons. We provide double value savings on manufacturer’s coupons up to 99¢. Visit your favorite store for more information.

Kuhn’s Tip: Coming soon is our new online e-coupons. Be sure to check these out and clip the coupon before heading to our store. The savings are associated with your rewards card when you check out.

Here are a few final things to consider when shopping. Make an effort to buy local products. Here at Kuhn’s we have worked with some of the best local and regional suppliers for over 40 years. Partnering with companies such as Bell-View, United Dairy, John F. Martin and Sons, and Fortunes Gourmet Coffee, just to name a few, allows us to ensure that you are getting a quality product at a great price. Also, meat can be one of the biggest expenses on your list. Preparing cheaper cuts of meat correctly can be just as tender and tasty as the more expensive cuts. Cooking these kinds of meats slowly and at a lower temperature keeps them from drying out.

Kuhn’s Tip: Want the chance to win a $25 gift card to your favorite Kuhn’s store? Be sure to listen to the Kuhn’s Cooking Hour with Rob Pratte and Frank Dentici every Sunday on KDKA where one lucky caller will win a $25 gift card.
