Unique Ways to Use Pickle Juice

For almost a decade, Pittsburghers have come together to celebrate their love of pickles by creating a festival known as Picklesburgh, where the salty delicacy can be celebrated for the entire weekend. From fried pickles to pickle lemonade, people travel from near and far to experience the massive array of items that have been pickled for consumer enjoyment and consumption. According to numbers from CBS, there were over 200,000 people who attended the festival last year. With the sizable number of attendees, we can use an educated guess that there will be some leftovers and what better to do with the pickle brine than repurpose it into a delicious new recipe?

There are many innovative ways to repurpose your leftover brine or juice from the pickles that you have purchased. Many people dispose of the excess pickle juice in the jar, when it could be liquid gold for your next meal. Adding this element to your recipe can elevate your dish and impress your dinner guests with that undeniably delicious, briny flavor.

An innovative and easy way to elevate your dinner is by adding the remaining pickle juice into your boiling water before you cook your potatoes or pasta. Boiling your potatoes in this delicious pickle juice will allow the potatoes to absorb the flavors and add depth of flavor to your dish. Likewise, cooking your pasta in this briney water would be the perfect way to add a creative twist to your pasta salad recipe. Integrating this small step into your cooking will have your friends asking for your recipe!

Another route to reuse your pickle juice is as simple as cutting fresh vegetables and using the pickle juice to pickle them. Many items can be pickled such as radishes, garlic, green beans or any other produce you wish to use. Simply add your cut vegetables into the jar and allow it to rest overnight, or a few days for maximum flavor while you allow the vegetables to soak up the brine. These offer a perfect accompaniment to any summer dish such as a delicious chicken thigh or a fresh cut of salmon.

Pickle juice can also be utilized as a happy hour favorite. Replace the olive juice in your dirty martini with a touch of pickle juice to experiment with a new flavor. The pickle juice can also be paired with your next bloody mary alongside olives, hot sauce and a stock of celery.

Kuhn’s Reminder: Pickle juice can help with digestion and promotes good gut health with benefits such as Vitamin A and Vitamin K as well as prebiotics.

There are infinite ways to incorporate your leftover pickle juice into your cooking, which allows you to be as creative as can be in the kitchen! Thinking outside of the box can allow you to unlock new recipes and get great results to share with others. Even though Picklesburgh is over, your enjoyment of pickles does not have to be.

Share with us your favorite way to use pickles in your recipes with the hashtag #kuhnsmarketrecipes or simply tag us on Instagram or Facebook for a chance to be shared on our social pages.
