Thanksgiving Celebrations

Thanksgiving traditions are some of the most memorable for families. For your family, your traditions might include the following:
  • Watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.
  • Cooking up a feast of traditional Thanksgiving foods.
  • Enjoying a football game as your favorite team takes on its rival.

  • While these traditions are staples in many homes, there is more potential for making Thanksgiving a treasured holiday for your family. We've put together a list of traditions you might like to add to make your day even more memorable.

    Spruce Up the Menu
    We know, we know, why mess with a good thing? We are not suggesting you swap out the turkey for burgers, but these little additions can add a fun spin to the usual turkey-day celebration.

    Start the fun festivities off with a signature cocktail. Everyone loves to be greeted at the door with a warm (or cold) cup of cheer. For a unique sip, something as simple as spiked apple cider or cranberry gin and tonic is perfect. If you're more of a mixologist, go crazy with a full bar!

    The sky's the limit with all deserts and every kind of pie! Take the pressure off the host or family baker by sharing the dessert responsibilities. You could always have a friendly pie-baking competition which adds a lot of fun, and, truthfully, everyone wins with a bake-off.

    Just because the usual Thanksgiving menu is, well, usual, doesn't mean you can't try a new dish or two to liven things up. We suggest mixing things up by adding a dish or two from another culture or adding a new twist to an old favorite. You may discover a tasty new tradition!

    Join in the Fun
    Look through old family photos for a nostalgic touch at the dinner table and laugh with "remember when." After the meal, watch old family movies for even more memories and good laughs.

    Everyone loves a good old-fashioned family game night. It's a great way to keep the fun going after the special Thanksgiving meal. Play cards, board games, checkers, dominoes, etc. Partygoers of all ages can get in on the action.

    If the weather is good, turn your after-mealtime into your DIY fall festival. Feature pumpkin decorating, ring toss, a family football game, and more!

    For the Kids
    Keep the kids occupied while preparing food by having a table with Thanksgiving coloring sheets or a turkey-themed craft. Add a butcher-paper tablecloth to the kid's table and have them draw Thanksgiving drawings or write thankful messages.

    Use a confetti-stuffed turkey piñata for a fun kids' table centerpiece. Then as a post-feast activity, fill it with candies and prizes; everyone wins!

    Giving Thanks and Giving Back
    A fun way to give thanks is with the Thanksgiving ABC game. Start by saying something you are thankful for, starting with the letter "A," and go through all the letters of the alphabet. Have members take turns or have each person share a "thanks" for each letter. For a shorter version and a great way to start the meal, go around the table and have each person say one thing for which they are thankful.

    Set up an area with paper and pens for guests to write thank you notes to those who blessed them in some way this year. They can thank family members, friends, teachers, etc. Even write a thank you to God. Get creative! Draw pictures, and those who wish to read their notes aloud during dinner can showcase them.

    Ask your guests to bring a non-perishable food item or two and collect them to donate to a food bank. This season is a great time to give back and an even better time to give together.

    When Thanksgiving is over, and everything is cleaned up and put away, it's time to deck the halls with holiday decorating and Christmas music. Stay tuned for our Holiday posts, coming soon. 'Tis the season!

    Visit to start your Thanksgiving list!
