Spring Cleaning: Kitchen & Pantry

April showers bring May flowers, and with spring comes cleaning. Spring cleaning allows you to create your kitchen space your way.

Are your shelves overflowing? Has food expired? We put together some tips on tackling spring cleaning in your kitchen.

Clear the Shelves
Don't just move things around on your shelves; take everything off those shelves and wipe them down. A great and easy kitchen cabinet cleaning hack is to use your vacuum to clean out cabinets. Instead of trying to pick up crumbs with a cloth, use the vacuum brush attachment to suck them up at the snap of a button. This cleaning technique works wonders on pantry shelves as well. Add shelf liners to your cabinets to keep the shelves crumb-free and make cleaning more manageable in the future.

Check the Dates
A great place to start after clearing shelves is by going through your food to see what has expired and what's near its expiration date.

If you find food that is not near expiration, but you don't feel a need for it, look to where you can donate them. Donations don't just apply to food; if you have pots, pans, etc., that you don't use, donate those as well.

After sorting through food, try placing foods closer to their expiration date near the front or top of the fridge and pantry and the newer items behind or below the older products. This system will allow you to use food more efficiently and limit food waste by making sure you're using up the foods that will expire first.

Group It
When putting everything back in its place, organize it in a way that's helpful for you. Maybe it's putting all your soup cans together, sauces, fruit, veggies, pasta, etc. It's easier to find things when you have all the same foods in one place.

Do the same for your fridge! Place all of your leftovers on one shelf (so you can always see them) and other items in different sections to quickly scan and know what you have.

Utilize Your Space
Now, this is the fun part. Look inside your pantry and determine how you want to arrange everything. What do you use the most? What can go into containers? Stackable, clear containers make it easier to spot and access items. Put loose food in containers to better utilize your space and maintain freshness.

Instead of placing spice jars with the rest of your food, keep them all in a basket or find a metal shelf hanger that can hang on your pantry door. You can even hang small metal storage bins on your pantry walls to give the space a more organized appeal.

To prevent confusion, clearly label pantry items. You'll know what everything is and where to put it after use.

Freezer Space & Appliances
Spring cleaning makes for an excellent opportunity to go through frozen foods. Experts recommend that you defrost your freezer at least once a year, so why not do it during spring cleaning! Lastly, wipe down your stovetop, microwave, floors, etc., for a spotless kitchen.

Stock Up
Now that everything is clean and organized, it's time to stock up on those items that may have expired or items you've wanted to try but haven't had the cabinet space to store them. Visit https://www.kuhnsmarket.com to start your spring cleaning and stock-up shopping list!
