Shop Local
There are many reasons why you may choose a specific store to shop at, such as location, prices, or more extensive product options. However, shopping locally can have a more significant impact than that. From simple reasons like convenience to others that affect the environment and economy, we've put together some perks of shopping locally.Shopping locally makes going to the store quick and convenient. The store's location is a short drive from home or work, and when you have so many errands to run, it's nice to know that a quick stop at the store to pick up some essentials is super convenient.
Shopping locally can be better for the environment in multiple ways. Many local businesses are proud to have food and other products sourced from more responsible practices. If you are one of so many aware of their environmental impact, shopping locally is an excellent earth-friendly option.
Helping local businesses is one of the most important reasons to shop locally. Independent businesses have been hit hard over the past few years by big box stores, the economy, and the employment crises caused by the pandemic. Many have struggled to stay afloat but are pulling through with local support. Buying from local businesses is a great way to support them financially and figuratively by showing that you love what they do. In turn, they'll be able to continue doing great things for the community.
One of those great things is improving employment rates within your community. Local businesses provide jobs to local communities and can even be an employee's first workplace to help kick-start their career. As local companies grow, so will the employment opportunities and the local economy.
Local businesses often have unique, locally sourced products that would be hard to find elsewhere. Here are some local PA and OH brands that Kuhn's carries:
- Sarris
- Anderson
- Betsy Ann
- Breadworks
- Cellone's Italian Bread Co.
- John F. Martin
- Isaly's Chipped Ham
- Silverstar
- Sugardale
- Smith's Meats
- United Dairy
- Chambersburg Peaches
- Fifth Season