Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice
It’s that time of year! As your favorite coffee shop breaks out their seasonal syrups and local farms prepare their patches for visitors, pumpkin season has officially entered the chat. As the last moments of summer came to an end last week, no one can tell you it’s too early for your pumpkin spice latte. Here at Kuhn’s Market, we have a wide variety of favorite pumpkin flavors from muffins and ice cream to treats for your four-footed friends. Enter into the cozy season with us as we have all of your fall favorites that are sure to “spice” up your life.The overwhelming appreciation for pumpkin comes from a different place for every person. Whether it stems from the association and nostalgia that the flavors hold or the love of a spicy, warm aroma, it has stayed a staple to the residents of the United States for as long as we can recount. Baking your grandma’s pumpkin cookies or enjoying your first sip of a pumpkin spice latte can remind you of the incredible memories that come along with these delicious treats. The vibrant turn of the leaves can feel like a refresh and allow you to take a deep breath and enjoy the scenery around you. For many, pumpkin is associated with these seasonal delights, which could be a reason that so many of us gravitate to the ingredient around this time of year.
Pumpkin has also been incredibly popularized because of how versatile the fruit has proven to be. Not only are the flavors of pumpkin extremely popular, but the scent is almost just as widely enjoyed. Consumers await the return of the coveted pumpkin candles that fill their homes with the cozy, decadent scents to celebrate the fall season. Kuhn’s Market offers a selection of autumnal scents, household items and decor pieces that will make your home even cozier than imaginable.
Pumpkins can’t be discussed without the mention of the famous pumpkin-carving tradition. This historic activity dates back to ancient Ireland with the story of Stingy Jack. According to the tale, Stingy Jack would wander the land and civilians would carve out turnips to keep Jack away and ward off evil. As Irish residents immigrated to America, they began to use pumpkins since they were native to their new region. This developed into the Halloween Jack-o-Lantern tradition we know and love in the United States.
One of our favorite ways to enjoy pumpkin is a protein packed, high fiber option; eating the seeds. The average pumpkin has around 500 seeds, which is a great amount to enjoy with a few friends or family members. You can choose to get your hands dirty and pull the seeds out of your own pumpkin, which are for sale at a fantastic price at your local Kuhn’s Market, or purchase them pre-packaged. Either option will allow you to enjoy the nutrient-packed benefits and deliciousness of the seeds. By cleaning and roasting your own seeds, you have the option to add whatever spices and flavors you would like, and even make a few! Spicy, salty and sweet options are all welcomed and will be customizable to fit every flavor palate.
Kuhn’s Tip: Make a fun weekend activity to carve pumpkins with loved ones and roast the seeds after! You can all customize your own flavors and see which everyone likes the best. This activity is an excellent way to get together and is a fun way to ensure there is no waste from your pumpkins!
No matter where your love of pumpkin comes from, Kuhn’s Market is here to provide you with an array of pumpkin delicacies at unbeatable prices. Our top priority is for you to love the products you receive from our locations, no matter the season. We continually ensure our quality items are restocked and available for your purchase and enjoyment. Be sure to share with us on social media how you like to utilize pumpkins with the hashtag #KuhnsCookingHour.