Holiday Party Hors D'oeuvres

With Christmas on its way, it is time for the holiday party planning to commence! It's time to bring those we love together, and every holiday party needs tasty food to kick off the night. Friends and family catching up over various delicious and unique hors d'oeuvres make this the most wonderful time of the year.

Hors D'oeuvres are typically part of a multi-course meal and have been a part of restaurant and home dining for as long as we can remember. Though having ancient origins, these flavorful bites have always been small and eaten before the main meal. The phrase hors-d'oeuvre is French, meaning "outside of the work," meaning outside the main meal. And while many anticipate the main meal, hors d'oeuvres are an easy way to start your get-together. They take almost no time to prepare, can be made ahead of time, and are a great way to add your creative touch.

With hors d'oeuvres, there are many ways to get creative with the serving, whether in single portions similar to cocktail hour at a wedding or as a mini buffet before dinner. You can create a unique and beautiful appetizer spread with a buffet, wowing your guests the second they walk in. While serving in single portions, you give guests more time to catch up and get acquainted before dinner. Hors d'oeuvres can also be served on platters on the dinner table as a part of the main meal, making dinner one big event.

Charcuterie boards are all the talk this holiday season and are stunning, from a traditional spread of meats and cheeses to those of creative themes. These boards allow for creativity and bring joy to holiday party guests. Classic charcuterie boards feature meats, cheeses, grapes, crackers, and delicious dips. Fruits or vegetables with dipping go-to's beautifully arranged for a specific themed charcuterie board, like a breakfast charcuterie board piled with cut waffles, mini cinnamon rolls, fresh fruit, and deviled eggs or, our favorite theme, a hot cocoa charcuterie board; display marshmallows, candy canes, chocolate-covered pretzels, sprinkles, and more to accompany your hot chocolate.

Hors d'oeuvres are quick, delicious, and guaranteed to bring people together. We hope your holidays bring love, laughter, and plenty of food! Visit Kuhn's Market to start your holiday party hors d'oeuvres shopping list. Check out our recipe page for delicious holiday recipes.
