Back to School Planning - Routine, Organization & Fun

Where did the summer go? Many families are preparing to head back to school; some may have already started. Mornings have gone from slow and relaxed to hectic and rushed. The transition from summer fun to school work can be a bit jolting. We're here to help make your transition easier! We've put together some tips and tricks to help manage the first few weeks of school and beyond.

Creating a routine that works for you can be an absolute game-changer! A nighttime routine is one of the most critical routines to implement, and we all slack off on those routines in the summertime. So how can you get everyone back on a solid sleep schedule? The best way is to ease into that routine by heading to bed 5-10 minutes earlier every day until you are back on track.

Another great routine to help create as little stress for the following day as possible is to prepare lunches the night before. Kuhn's has everything for lunches and snacks!

Laying out your clothes and needed supplies is also an excellent way to prep for the next day. But don't stop there; get everything packed up the night before and have a specific place for backpacks and other items needed for the next day. This way, they are ready to head out the door!

Start a list of supplies needed for the school year. Many teachers send out a pre-made list of necessary class supplies, which helps tremendously.

Create a family calendar. A well-organized calendar helps keep track of everyone in the house and all activities. Posting this on the fridge is an excellent place for all to see and brings your family together.

Set up a homework station. Kids like consistency, and having a designated time and place for schoolwork is a great way to stay organized and on top of assignments. Place a caddy with school supplies at the station for easy access.

To put it simply, kids need to be kids. Getting them outside for just thirty minutes or playing a game can make a massive difference for them. Sitting and learning all day can be exhausting for young kids, who need to release all their pent-up energy. Physical activity is great for letting off steam before starting homework.

Ready or not, summer is coming to an end, and it's time to get back in the swing of things. Let us help. Visit to start your back-to-school shopping list!
